Health Equity PledgePHILOSOPHYFrom the beginning, we have anchored our platform as a space for Black women and women of color to feel seen and heard in their healthcare experiences. By centering the voices of these women, we have recognized that their lived experiences failed to be considered in the creation and delivery of health care solutions. These lived experiences are vital to understanding the systemic and avoidable differences in health care access, utilization, and quality of care witnessed among Black women and women of color. They also provide insight on the deep narratives in healthcare that cause harm, worsen bias, and preserve the unequal distribution of power and resources.Health in Her HUE is committed to championing the acceleration of health equity for the over 43 million women of color in the US. It is time to challenge the status quo!APPROACHWe believe that an important way to achieve health equity starts with the images, language, and interactions used to humanize and foster trust with Black women and women of color.Therefore, we are intentional about how we communicate and cultivate community on our platform, prioritizing respect and authenticity. Our messaging aims to foster trust and give women the comfort to share their stories, the accounts of events in their daily lives, and reveal details about their healthcare encounters. This collection of perspectives enables us to reflect their values, concerns, and inform how we build our products and service offerings.